2024 IRKRS Global Gathering Okinawa

2023 participants representing 26 different countries …

琉球唐手術国際研究会 の~世界セミナー沖縄

A link to the past is your bridge to the future: Koryu Uchinadi’s unique system of application practices is the bridge between kata and kumite. Learned correctly, it can enhance the depth and value of any dojo curriculum without adversely affecting its cosmetic appearance nor taking anything away from its cultural heritage.

Karate represents the perfect fusion of science and art coming together to create a transformative-like pathway. It is a highly challenging method of conditioning the body, cultivating the mind and nurturing the spirit; A time-honoured practice the art is also a unique vehicle to self-discovery; Practicing the art links us inconspicuously to its past; through discipline and sacrifice we discover our inner-self; by training together we forge important bonds of friendship and by living the art we honor its heritage.

Bringing together like-minded people in pursuit of common goals is what the IRKRS does and chimugukuru, a local Okinawan term, best represents the spirit and selfless desire to help others through its cultural heritage; The essence of this spirit, is best expressed through Karate-do, Okinawa’s gift to world peace 🐉


過去へのリンクは未来への橋です:古流沖縄手(Koryu Uchinadi)は、形と組手の橋として機能する独自の応用手法のシステムです。正しく学べば、どんな道場のカリキュラムにも深みと価値を加え、見た目や文化的な遺産に悪影響を与えず、何も奪わずにいられます。


規律と犠牲を通じて、内なる自己を発見し、一緒にトレーニングすることで重要な友情の結びつきを築き、芸術を生きることでその遺産を称えます。IRKRSの役割は共通の目標を追求する志を同じくする人々を結びつけることであり、沖縄の地元の言葉である「ちむぐくる」は、その文化的な遺産を通じて他者を助ける精神と無償の欲望を最もよく表しています。この精神の本質は、空手道を通じて最もよく表現され、それは沖縄が世界平和への贈り物です 🐉