Kansetsu Tuite


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IRKRS Koryu Uchinadi Kansetsu Tuite Volume 11 (Download)

Patrick McCarthy – International Ryukyu Karate Research Society
Volume 11 is a unique presentation on the principal limb entanglements, joint manipulations, and cavity seizes used in causing intense pain, restraining and or incapacitating an opponent. Developed by myself [Patrick McCarthy] this highly functional two-person drill brings together no fewer than seventy-two individual techniques providing learners of any rank or style with an extraordinary repertoire of kata-based application practices. Joint manipulation Bone displacement Seizing connective tissue Attacking body cavities and more.

Those of us who have previously purchased IRKRS video/DVD productions can attest to the fact that all the IRKRS video/DVD productions complement the user’s existing technical knowledge without infringing upon ones stylistic predilection; they enhance performance effectiveness and present, if one is interested, academic and technical modes of inquiry from which to analyze kata movement. They are without a doubt the most comprehensive video/DVDs on the market and represent the new quality benchmark upon which any martial arts instructional video should/will be measured.

IRKRS DVD volumes 11 & 12 are no exception and are once again important training aids for any serious karateka and other budoka. These two DVDs make available to us a comprehensive resource on joint locking, tuide (grabbing, pinching, pressing and rubbing of nerves, tendons, ligaments, and muscles), and strangulation and choking techniques though Koryu Uchinadi’s trademark two person drills. The techniques are masterfully demonstrated, shown in many angles and speeds by McCarthy Sensei’s senior students. McCarthy Sensei carefully explains the anatomical structures being attacked and types of levers being used so that the student can learn to exploit the biomechanics and weaknesses of the human anatomy during the execution of a technique. In true McCarthy Sensei form, he relates the techniques shown in the drills to the solo reenactments found in the kata, while continually encouraging the practitioner viewing the DVDs to investigate for themselves during their study of the material. An added bonus for those who like to know the Japanese names of techniques and their English language equivalent, McCarthy Sensei provides the technique names for all shime-waza. I would like to offer my congratulations to McCarthy Sensei on an exceptional job on the new DVDs. Please keep them coming!

For those of you who have not yet purchased an IRKRS video/DVD – I would encourage you to do so – I believe they are by far the best martial arts instructional videos on the market. And whether you are a student of Koryu Uchinadi or any other karate or martial arts tradition, the material found on IRKRS DVD volumes 11 – 12 will enhance your understanding of technique and principles exponentially.

DVD 11 - Kansetsu-waza as developed by Patrick McCarthy Koryu Uchinadi